Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Springtime is for trail maintenance

Went on a Memorial Day ride with Hayride and Powers in another County. Lots of people out, and in places we'd never seen peeps before. Feeling like spring with the aspen leaves popping and the chorus frogs peeping. Twas an awesome ride, my first ride with The Powers(!), and we got to do such classics as Mild Sidehill, Scary Sideslope, Dead Elk trail, and many more. Not many snow patches left but a funny mix of flooded and dusty trail sections.

Each spring it's the same: you better bring your hand-saws and trail tools out for rides because there is a lot of water on them trails and there are lots of fallen trees across the trails from the winter winds. Especially on more secret trails, if you don't do it, it's likely that nobody will. This spring is much better than last since it was hardly windy this winter - last winter felt like the big guy up there turned the fan on HIGH and forgot to turn it off.




You may now go about your business

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