Saturday, February 12, 2011

Woodlay with the Pilot

 First time skiing this season with the Pilot! Good to see him and catch up after a 6 week over-the-pond-cyclocross-extravaganza for him and some other fellow pilots to race against the Euros culminating at Master's World ChampionshipsHe's finally back for some touring and powder turns. 

 Back up to Woodlay Mtn for some shadyslope turns.  This area has the only somewhat protected aspect and slopes from the gale-force winds that I can find these days.  It's insane really the difference between the winds this year and last.  Granted, we're well above average snowfall this year but the winds are making most stuff a total mess. 
 The winds were so bad the night before last that I got stuck in our plow truck on the driveway trying to get out to meet up with the Pilot.  The winds had drifted all the snow off the nearby hillside down onto the driveway and created a near solid block of snow.  The big diesel truck just got stopped dead in its tracks.  My wife said I looked like a crazed gopher flinging up snow in the truck trying to get out.  It'd be funny (for me) if I weren't on a schedule to meet up with him and get skiing! After a half-hour i was finally out, but not after getting the tractor out and digging the truck out, piling the snow 10 feet high at this one spot.  I buried my backup avy shovel along the way...that'll be there in springtime no doubt.

 I've been to this particular hill for the last 6 weeks and it has not disappointed yet.  A haul to get in and out, but it's very worth it (8 miles round trip with 2 great runs). Harder than normal powder today but still knee deep. 

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