Wednesday, January 21, 2009

The most dangerous thing I do...

Isn't going over the Divide at dusk in white out conditions

Isn't going backcountry skiing with high avalanche danger

Certainly wasn't Montezuma's Revenge and isn't going to be the Grand Traverse.

The most dangerous thing I do is ride my bike on the road because I'm not in full control of my fate.

Be careful out there everyone...we're not on the winning end of that bumper.


NinjaPonyDad said...


Unknown said...

I'm afraid to ask if this post was inspired by an event..or a series of events...but curiosity is getting the better of me. Soooooo, what happened?
Ninja Pony Mom

Meriwether said...

Lori- nothing really specific, just the continual near misses that happen on a daily basis - car side mirror breezes by your elbow, car drives too fast around an on-ramp with your raised crosswalk a mere obstacle instead of something to slow down before...etc, etc.