Friday, January 29, 2010

Crisp Friday morning commute

The ride in today was just excellent. I get happy to just do the 'direct' route these days, especially when there's new snow on the ground. The air was crisp, the deep blue sky juxtaposed against the white snowcovered trees.

I think the pictures mostly describe the morning. Sunny and 5 degrees at the ranch, but it quickly warmed up as I went along the dirt road east... shadow still showing some big wheels....

...I passed the same views seen so many times before but today they looked different, more beautiful and sharp...

...and an hour later i dropped into an inversion that burned off as soon as i got into the office in the plains.

Happy Friday all!

1 comment:

KB said...

Oh my, Meriwether, your beautiful photos and description are enough to make an invalid cry! Just kidding... I love hearing about something as simple as the joy of riding your bike to work. I'm becoming more convinced daily that I'll be out there before I know it!

There's a house at the top of TS, where the new owners became convinced that you and I were married to each other because we were the only nuts they saw out there on bikes in sub-zero weather. I explained that "no", two completely separate nuts people rode past their house daily in the depths of winter!