Thursday, May 5, 2011

The Bench

First bench ride off the bus for this year. I wasn't on the bus but Hayride was so we met at the top of the ridge and did the shooting range trail, him on his CX bike and me on MC#1 with the newly added adjustable rake fork. 

Works really well once I was able to borrow a 185 rotor so there's enough disc to stop me when I add rake to the fork (slide it forward).  We did some tree removal on the trail but only one big tree after a really windy winter! Tried to ride some snowbanks and mostly failed, lots of damp and some dry singletrack, and eventually headed to the bench for a Santa Fe Happy Camper IPA. Not too bad! It's in cans, so it's good for packing into camp or hut trips. It's pretty citrusy right off the bat, but the best taste strangely comes with the burp. No kidding. Really hoppy burps.

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