Thursday, January 12, 2012

Fatty fluff

cornering creates a spray like turning skis on powder
 The storm only sent 3" our way but with the wind, it goes up to a foot in places.  Other than said drifts, the local trails are still rideable on the Rotundcycle for the most part.  LOW pressure is key (as in pump starts at 10 so I'm kinda guessing how low it is!) as is a light pedal stroke and some good balance.  It can be frustrating losing your front wheel traction only to put a foot out into the un-packed trail and posthole into a fall onto your side, but the flats and downhills with fresh snow are to die for.
new snow! not too much, not too little, just right.
 Fatbikes really don't float as well as some think.  It's much better than a 2.4" tire but you still do a lot of washing out and walking when it's anything but hardpack. It's funny how it's a totally unique experience on learning to ride a bike all over again.

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