I hear the 74 degrees yesterday broke the previous record high temp in the
flatlands. It was pretty damn warm up top too turning everything to slush like a mid-April day would do...only it's March 1st! So after getting the dogs nice and tired in the slushy snow, I tucked them away into their various compartments separated by baby gates and left for a 3 hour ride. This is by far the longest ride
i've been on since before I broke my foot last October...and I didn't even bonk! I headed the favorite summer route into work first to see how
rideable it was (or wasn't as the case may be).

The front side was a mix of what you see in the next two pics. Some parts were bone dry, others were packed ice and snow - some
rideable, some your front wheel dropped and you stop dead.

I managed to ride most of the back section since the locals had laid down a good packed trail over the winter and it was mostly half frozen ice (

The Hunter gets his hands dirty. Got the
tubeless Jones
XR 1.8's on for commuting now...and I can see that I'll have trouble taking these tires off anytime soon - they're so fast and
Then for something
completely different,
Timmay brought over his bass and we jammed for awhile....longer than both of us thought we'd play for. Thankfully, the Stone Vertical Epic and Bigfoot
barleywine helped me get over some of my nervousness as this was the first time I'd played guitar with another person in years...14 to be exact...and it was
really fun. I played guitar and then bass in a band in middle through high school, and continued less frequently with some friends in college, but even after all that time I never developed good technical skills (I was always rhythm guitar). But that's the great thing about music, you can just play what you can play, and no matter what your level it's still really fun!
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