Friday, February 19, 2010

Bobcat hunting

(Updated, video link at bottom)
Yesterday, I was home sick and it's a rare occasion that I'm hanging out at home all day long. So about on my 3rd double espresso of the day at 3pm, I spotted some movement in the back meadow from the kitchen window. Usually it's the coyote/s I see back there, but today there was a noticeable difference, this one had no tail! I got the binocs out and saw the lil bobcat hunting around for rabbits.

What alerted me to the presence of something back there was our horse Butter (in picture below). All the horses are very attuned to their surroundings and "point out" each thing they see or hear by their affixed stare in the direction of the object. Butter was watching something move behind the horse trailer so I broke out the camera and shot some pictures of a lil bobcat hunting for wabbits around our barn:

The bobcat had to scale a 5 foot welded wire fence to get inside the yard from the back meadow. Buttercup watched intensely as he went looking in the rabbit hole in the corner of the barn. This bobcat knew exactly where he/she was going.

Butter and I watched as the bobcat crouched by the front door to Peter Rabbit's house for about 5 minutes. Sadly for the bobcat, nobody emerged.

Afterwards, the bobcat continued to scour all the local hangouts of Peter and Co. but didn't find any lunch.

The lil bobcat left after about 15 minutes in the area. Right after the above photo was taken, Butter walked somewhat aggressively (or curiously?) towards the bobcat and made him trot off a bit faster than usual, but then he proceeded to walk within 20 feet behind Butter to check out another potential rabbit hiding place. Having found nothing once again, the bobcat jumped back over the fence and checked out the old outhouse at the edge of the dog yard. Stiffed once again, he proceeded to slowly saunter up the steep hillside between the rock outcrops on the back hill in search of more food before the oncoming snow storm fully set in.


KB said...

Great photos! He looks either skinny or young! I posted bobcat video today that I got with my wildlife cam so I pointed readers to check out your site.

Stella said...

I'm from KBs blog, a city person, and I am learning so much from these blogs. I didn't know horses would point by looking directly at the intruders.

All very interesting and thanks,

Jo and Stella(the dog)

NinjaPonyDad said...

Great shots!
Our bobcat totally freaks out Jupiter, (the 2000lb+ horse and his quarter horse girlfriend Ava) "Oh No....what shall we do?" So, Molly the Morgan trots toward the bobcat, huffing and shaking her head. The bobcat usually just saunters away. The poor bobcat must think these animals a little strange. He/she has been here several times and just sits and looks at the I guess the rabbits in the barn are pretty safe1
Hope you feel better soon!