Sunday, January 30, 2011

January warm spell

A week ago I toured here with almost a couple of feet of new light snow. Today, after a week of unseasonably warm temps (almost 70 in the flatlands and a high of 58 in Ned one day), the snow turned to...well...shite and quick.  But there's always the north faces that keep that soft snow nice and soft for the most part. 

Today, I headed out on a four hour tour with Hayride and James, who was visiting from the Great White North where they measure their snow in centimeters (i.e., Whistler has a base of 500-700cm right now...WTF?! think about that...16-22 feet?!).  We headed up to Woodlay Ridge and found an absolutely horrible skin track put in by some dumbass on a splitter and followed by other dumbasses (us) to the Northeast glades that were oh so good.  This place has been found out since someone (that shall not be named but rhymes with Lonny) posted directions on a we had to cross a few tracks on the first run but the second run was just perfect untouched by the sun and skis - powder.  There's nothing quite like finding that untouched stash.

James and Hayride heading up above the flatlands.  No wind all...and a high of 32. 

Looking NW towards Skywalker and Jasper.
Saturn? or the sun? Hmm...
James heading down the sun-baked upper bowl.

Hayride dropping into the first run...
...and into the second run.
 Apres-ski whisky shot, IPA pint, and pizza at Backcountry in Ned and wow, a great end to a warm week that quickly turns arctic tomorrow.  We're looking at the lowest lows in 12 years "they" say with a high of -3 on Tuesday...ouch.

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