Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Sans Cross

You've probably noticed I'm not writing about Cyclocross anymore. Well, that's because I've stopped riding and racing for the year sadly. No injury, but a bunch of other things of higher priority and obligation, have come up that make it nearly impossible for me to train well and race this season. I seem to be on an 'every other year' plan anyways. I love racing cross, but if I can't ride enough and race enough to be at a certain fitness level, I just don't want to pay the cash and take travel time to race just for the sake of racing and get my ass handed to me.

Next year I plan to be back. Maybe with a revived spirit to race, and an updated cross bike I hope. No, not a newfangled carbon frame and fork. I like steel, I'll pay in training for the extra two pounds. The IF is great, it rides fits live a glove. But is now 9 years old and there's some chipping paint and surface rust forming in several spots. At the very least he'll need a new powder coat. But more likely knowing me, I'll get a powdercoat and a new training and racing set of wheels - my current ones are over 10 years old! I gotta say, that it's impressive (the wheels, not me) to be riding and racing on a set of wheels built by Sean at Vecchios for 10 years...! Nicely done Sean!

So there it is, next year I'll be back. And to Pilot and Dubba, I'll be gunning to at least keep you in my sights...if not occasionally drop you. Word.

1 comment:

NinjaPonyDad said...

It may be more difficult to not race, rather than race.
Every other year seems to be the thing for several of us out here!
I'll be out there next year too. If not racing, .....cheering my head off.