Wednesday, February 13, 2008


‘Don’t forget this feeling,’ I thought to myself, as I rode past the three semi-trucks being filled with the cows and calfs that usually surround my office farmhouse. Stuffed in the back like sardines, tripping over each other, stressed and confused, I again realized why I don’t eat meat.

Thinking back to my ride in this morning, past the free and wandering herd of elk, it struck me how far cows have been DE-bred from their ancestors to be simply meat & milk producing machines. Just like corn or any other agricultural crop, we’ve turned these creatures into a crop. People say they’re “stupid” or other such niceties, but when it comes right down to it they are just as sentient as any 2 year old kid or any of my dogs - and I'm not about to treat my dogs that way. After you know what’s involved in getting that meat to your plate, well, in my opinion, it just ain’t right. There are other options and I’ve chosen those over what I see as a bad use of land, energy, and our humanity. So I won’t forget that feeling as I see my friends being carted off to slaughter by hammer to their heads.

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