I got the voicemail late. I had just popped open an IPA and sat my ass on the couch after cranking the SS up flagstaff to get home from work. It wasn't as bad as I remembered! That has to be a good sign.
The Pilot was taking
le bus up to the hood in the early AM and wanted to ride.
Ok! There it was. It felt like day 3 of a stage race against no one but my fatigued body. I definitely don't recover from hard rides like I used to!
First changing leaves of the season happened Aug. 24th, a day later than last year as far as i can tell.
We met at the coffee shop and were soon heading up high - go west. For some reason, I recommended that we ride up the biggest beat down of a "trail" that this area has to offer. But it did lead to a nice
singletrack that I'll call 'butter my bread', where I saw the biggest hawk I've ever set eyes on in the lower meadow. Then we pedaled up and over to
RBV and to the oldie but goodies on the north side of town. We split paths at the top of the Swiss Luge. I had the dumb idea of dropping down junkyard alley,
fording the creek, and hiking a vertical
un-climbable trail home which really just put the nail in the coffin.
Then popped open an IPA and sat my sorry ass on the couch.
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