For now, the rain pattern has stopped and it's been getting pretty warm around here.
Everything's drying out and soon everyone will be complaining at how HOT it is.
I headed out on a ride today with B, who I haven't ridden with in many years except in passing at the occasional cross race. He and Abel had two kids and that tends to distract people from the long mountain bike rides in the
backcountry, for at least a few years. While Moots teammates, B and I started exploring this area that I now live almost 15 years ago. We used to ride up to here and beyond from the
Flatlands and link everything we could en route to some epic rides under the guise of "training." Last Thursday he took
le Bus up and we did a sweet ride to work together, and today was another great ride in the land of the rednecks. It's been great to re-connect and I hope it continues!

He came to the ranch in classic form - almost an hour late and with his grips slipping off his bike (his bike is always in some sort of disrepair no matter how much he works on it!). I was glad to see
nothing's changed! So we did some last-minute bike work and eventually headed out on the local trails and over to the
Habid highway and quickly exited stage left. Past the stop, over the creek, and up the flume to do a reverse route on ST
Mtn. The
mariposa lilys, yellow paintbrush, harebells, larkspurs, and black-eyed
susan's were in full highlight in the aspen groves.

It's hard to
believe it's already August 1st and in about 6 weeks these same aspens will be changing the color of those flowers. We rode most the trails here and on the way out B caught his bars on an aspen and was instantly ejected off the left and downhill side of the trail. Thankfully he was OK getting caught by some trees - other than some scrapes and bruises. Luckily he didn't fall on the flume where it would've meant a more serious roll down the side of a steeper and more rock-strewn hill! Up and down and out, a rear flat and a potentially lost multi-tool on the meadow trail out to north-redneck road. (If you find a multitool in the grass, pls comment.) Home a few hours later and somewhat worse for the wear we hung out on the deck and talked shop. Let's enjoy his while we can as winter is coming fast.
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